Your Health Centre And Your Child With Food Allergies

24 May 2023
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


Having a child with food allergies can be stressful and leave you constantly worried about a reaction occurring. It can also be isolating, as you may feel that friends and family don't understand how serious your child's allergy is, and it may restrict how you socialise. Your health centre can offer a range of support for your child, and working with healthcare professionals can help you feel more confident and in control when managing your child's allergies in everyday life. Once your child has seen an allergy specialist and had skin prick or blood testing to confirm their allergies, your health centre can offer the following support:

Dietetic Support

When a child is allergic to one or more foods, it's reasonable to have some concerns about their dietary limitations. Depending on the food they have to avoid, they may be at risk of nutrient deficiencies, particularly if they are a fussy eater. Most health centres have in-house dieticians that you can schedule an appointment with. They can review your child's diet and make recommendations to ensure your child is getting all the nutrients they need despite having to avoid certain foods. If required, they can also track your child's weight and height to ensure they continue to grow and develop at a healthy rate.

Medication Review

Your child's allergy specialist may have prescribed medication, such as epinephrine and an antihistamine, for your child. Some anti-histamine drugs can cause side effects in some children, such as drowsiness, restlessness and nausea. If you have to give your child their prescribed antihistamine and notice it doesn't agree with them, schedule a medication review with your GP. They can prescribe a different type of antihistamine for your child to try. Sometimes the only way to find a medication that agrees with your child is by trying the different options.

Emotional Support

In addition to being a worry for parents, food allergies can be a worry for children and can lead to anxiety and fear of eating new foods. If you're concerned about the impact of food allergies on your child's mental health, find out what emotional support services are available at your health centre. They may offer access to one-to-one counselling sessions or to group sessions that focus on building resilience and coping strategies.

These are just a few ways health centres can provide support for your child with food allergies. Contact a family health centre for information on what they offer and how to access their services.